selection policy in hrm

Personality tests have disadvantage in the sense that they can be faked by sophisticated candidates and most candidates give socially acceptable answers. The candidate, having cleared the preliminary interview, has to take up some pre- employment tests. For checking references, organization may seek letters of references or contact them through telephone or mail. Despite the pressure under which he frequently works, he should avoid appearing brusque or impatient. Weighted application blanks can be prepared on the basis of information regarding personal history items associated with job success. Though these tests are accepted as useful ones, they are criticized to be against deprived sections of the community. At this step, the candidate is given the appointment letter to join the organization on a particular date. Selection pro­cess involves the following steps:-, 1. 5. The procedure for selection should be systematic so that it does not leave any scope for confusions and doubts about the choice of the selected candidate. V. Have You Identified the Knock Out Factors? Though their utility is controversial, many people agree that properly administered tests can lessen the selection costs by reducing large group of applicants into smaller ones. Selection Process in HRM – 7 Steps Involved in the Selection Process: Preliminary Interview, Screening of Applicants, Employment Tests, Selection Interview and a Few Others. When background checks are used. vii. Although at present most of the selection programmes are accepted on faith, there is a growing tendency to assess selection policy, programmes, methods and techniques. If a candidate applies for a post of a lecturer in Management, he may be asked to deliver a lecture on Management Information System as work sample test. Selection Process in HRM 1. It is a very important step as it shifts out all the unqualified, not desirable applicants and the HR man­ager can then concentrate on the other applicants without wasting time. “lay off for lack of work”. The more we learn about what actually happens during an interview, the better chance there is of improving its usefulness. If the application blanks consist of the proper items, the personal history items can be effectively used. Accordingly, aptitude tests are designed to measure the hidden qualities of the candidates. No personal information is required to be filled up. It is a face-to-face conversation for the purpose of obtaining factual information, assessing the individual personality, or counselling or therapeutic purposes. (ii) Final Interview – It is mostly conducted in two stages. One must always be concerned with the accuracy of the description provided in the recommendation. The short-listed candidates are also qualified or disqualified based on their intelligence, communication skills and personal qualities examined during the earlier steps. Every candidate has to pass through several hurdles before he/she can get selected for job. The line managers are then asked to give final decision after all techni­cal and medical tests are cleared by the candidate. An application blank is a brief history sheet of an employee’s background and can be used for future reference, in case or need. Step 5 – Appoint the interview panel and conduct interviews – Employers conduct interview generally with a panel consisting of tal­ented and skilful interviewers from the company. Weightage can be given to the answers in the application blank according to their importance and the total score of points can then be calculated. Content Guidelines 2. If given an option of a single tool for selection, perhaps every organization will choose interviewing. Checking Reference and Medical examination. names of two or more people who can certify credentials by way of the suitability of the candidate to the announced position. These tests are useful to select semi­skilled workers and workers for repetitive operations like packing, watch assembly, quality inspection, etc. Benefits of having a Recruitment and Selection Policy in HRM . They can get adjusted to the job and perform well in future with all capacities and strengths. Such a weighted application form may quicken the process of recruitment and selection. Once the candidates interview is over, the reference he had mentioned are checked by the personnel department. Similar to the recruitment process discussed in Chapter 4 “Recruitment”, the selection process is expensive. As Yoder et al, suggest the selection process involves seven steps as follows: The above seven steps can also be classified as techniques of selection. Therefore, the two together take final decision and intimate it to the candidate. Some organizations use non – objective methods such as observational technique (i.e., facial expression) and length of experience, in screening applicants. This problem has special relevance for members of minority groups. There is an urgent need to determine the criteria of evaluation in advance. Sometimes a few favourable references may be aimed at efforts to get rid of unsatisfactory employees or these replies may only tell part of the story; and thus organizations may realize that perhaps what is more important is what was not said. In order to test the intelligence of the candidates, their reception power, memory power and reasoning power, etc. The importance of the interview in the selection process is given below: (i) An interviewer draws out the relevant information since it provides a valid sample of the applicant’s behaviour. Apart from inaccurate facts, there can be other factors also like the referee’s inability to assess and describe the applicant, and his limited knowledge about him. Before forming a balanced opinion, it is necessary to enquire from three to five persons about the conduct of the prospective candidate. (c) General examination, including an examination of the skin, musculature and joints. For this test, a long list of questions is prepared and the candidates are asked to answer the same in a given time period. A typical inventory contains a large number of items, utilises a multiple-choice format exclusively, and deals with those matters that are normally not covered in an application blank. VI. Big organizations may take the help of law firms/agencies for drafting and finalising the contracts. Many organizations administer tests not only to applicants but also to current workers to determine which ones have the ability to be promoted. of the candidate. Prior to take final selection decision, the opinion of concerned manager is sought (Concerned manager here means the manager of the department where the selected employee has to work.). Therefore, the selection procedure followed by different organizations, many times, becomes lengthy as it is a question of getting the most suitable candidates for which various tests are to be done and interviews to be taken. Designing and Conducting Effective Interviews: Utmost care has to be taken while designing and conducting the inter­views, otherwise, they become in-effective. For technical and managerial personnel, for example, the form may require detailed answers to questions regarding the candidate’s education, etc. Two kinds of screening are normally done – the first is the rough and the second is the fine screening. Harold Stone and W. E. Kendall mention the following contents of physical examination: (i) Applicant’s medical history obtained through his interview with the medical officer; (ii) Physical measurements (height, weight, chest and abdominal circumferences); (iii) General examination including that of the skin, joints etc. The selection process may differ according to the types of jobs. (iii) It helps in preventing employment of those suffering from some type of contagious diseases. (b) Know about his enthusiasm and intelligence. The appointment letter specifies the post, title, salary and terms of employment. These tests aim at measuring the effect of the candidates’ personality on work performance. Those found deficient are not included in subsequent process. 3. Salary and Benefits- Present and expected. The objectives of the selection interview may be stated as: (i) To assess whether the candidate is willing and able to do the job successfully and is suitable to the organization. Further, privacy must be maintained in holding interviews. Reluctance on the part of the employer to portray the unfavourable aspects of those he is asked to recommend is the most serious obstacle of all. This difference is made clear with the help of psychological tests. As the limit of the period within which the company is supposed to receive applications ends, the applications are sorted out. Step 4 – Create benchmark answers and a rating scale for each – An ideal answer may be given the rating of 5 on a 5 point scale whereas, an average answer 3 marks and a poor one just 0 mark. Rate each job duty based on its importance to job success and on the time required to perform it compared to other tasks. Selection is a long and tedious process. Preliminary interviews aims at further qualifying or disqualifying candidates who may be inquired whether the working hours, wages, working conditions, etc., were agreeable. The application blanks or application forms for jobs in various organizations vary in length, coverage and contents. Intelligence test – Intelligence tests aim at testing the candidate’s reception power, memory power, reasoning power, etc. For instance, a person who does not understand the sufferings of the others, cannot become a good doctor. Pre-employment testing can help ensure alignment between the employee selection process and desired outcomes such as lower turnover, increased sales, higher retention rates and satisfied customers. The amount of effort a prospective employer is willing to expend on checking an applicant’s references depends on the level and importance of the job, a point equally applicable to all selection techniques. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Selection process in HR is the activity of testing, evaluating & hiring new employees. These tests are very specific as they en­able the management to bring out right type of people for the jobs. The information sought in it should be relevant to the objective of selection. Step 3 – Create interview question – Some questions should be situational, while some should be behavioural They all should be based on actual job duties with more ques­tions on important duties. The candidates who succeed in preliminary interviews are required to fill in a specially drafted blank application form. To the extent that the employer lacks the ability to communicate in this fashion, the accuracy of the recommendation is going to suffer. Pathological tests of urine, blood etc. Checks on references are made by mail or by telephone, and occasionally in person, or by using a reference form, which require specific answers. iv. Regardless of what other selection techniques are used, every prospective employer seems to want the chance to meet a job candidate in person. The candidates with maximum number of parameters that matches the job requirements are called for the following steps: A preliminary interview is mostly conducted by the HR department which entails confirmation of information provided by the candidates for a specified job. However, not all the information contained in application blanks is used to make decisions. By careful study, such items as age, education, dependants, earnings and years on previous jobs may be found to be closely correlated with success in the job for which the candidate is applying. ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment & Selection | Revised 5/10/18 . Many types of application forms — sometimes very long and comprehensive and sometimes brief are used. It is also seen whether or not he has the power to remove the obstacles that may arise in the job on which he is appointed. Final Approval 9. white-collar employees’ pay grades are included in a unified pay structure, the . Physical examination also helps the organization to prevent communicable diseases from entering the organization. Employing organizations must try to ensure that all persons have equal access to job and training opportunities. Learn what HR Policy is and how to write Human Resource Policies and Procedures of Companies with Examples. These are useful in identifying accident-prone candidates for certain manufacturing jobs. This is generally done to weed out those who do not possess the minimum requirements laid down for the vacancies. Report a Violation 11. In the future, “basically, the reference check will become a process of verifying that the prospective employee was at a certain place doing a certain job for a specified period of time at a verified compensation level”. Candidates who give satisfactory performance during the probationary period are made permanent. Preliminary interview provides the first opportunity to exchange information about the job, the applicant, and the mutual expectations of the individual and the organization. Unless he is familiar to the organization, he cannot work with confidence and pleasure. To ensure that the information given by the applicant is true, the application blank usually carries a threat of discharge at any time after employment if the information furnished in it proves to be false. In a case interview, the candidate is given a relevant case study to review prior to the interview. This is a universally accepted tool for gathering relevant information from the applicant which may be of vital importance to the management for making proper selection. Usually, sufficient time is provided for reporting. It is the fine screening that is not too easy to deal with, as judgments, based on informed opinion, have to be made. Aptitude tests measures an applicant’s capacity and his ability to learn a given job if given adequate training. are known by way of this test. A friendly face must greet them, preferably, at the gate. Preliminary interview helps to eliminate those candidates who are obviously unfit for the job. Traditionally, there are four approaches to securing letters of reference. ; (iv) Examination of special senses (check-up of visual and auditory activity); (v) Clinical examination of eyes, ears, nose, throat, teeth; (vii) Check-up of blood pressure and heart; (viii) Laboratory tests of urine, blood etc. For this purpose, the varying conditions in an organisation should be noted. It is important to get more than two viewpoints. Considering the shortage of scientific validated scales to measure employee’s perceptions about HRM policies, the PPMPS is a good option to be used so far (e.g. It seeks to establish a positive relationship between the employer and the employee and motivate the prospective employees to accept the offer of appointment with the company. Secondly, questions should be directly related to the post. The major duties and responsibilities of a job are often detailed in the job description. Steps Involved in the Selection Process (Adopted by Large Organisations): Selection Process According to the Types of Jobs (Top 8 Steps), Steps Involved in the Selection Process (Adopted by Large Organisations), Stages in Selection Process (Selecting the Right Candidate). This is basically a subjective process and therefore sometimes proves unreliable. Personality tests seek to determine characteristics of the candidate such as co-cooperativeness as against dominance or to judge emotional balance and temperamental qualities of the candidate. The most effective predictor of job success is his demonstrated ability to perform effectively on a similar job. (iii) It prevents the employment of those who suffer from some type of contagious diseases. Apart from this, here the process of preliminary interview and filling in of the blank application form takes place. v. Clinical examination – eyes, ears, nose, throat and teeth. Several types of tests can be used for the purpose of selection, for instance, Aptitude test, Achievement test, Personality test, Interest test, Dexterity test, Work sample test, Mechanical test, Psycho-motor test, and so on. Organizations look at class, division (first/second/third class) and percentage of marks obtained. Stone and Kendall have outlined the following contents of physical examination: (a) The applicant’s medical history is obtained by interviews between the applicant and the medical officer. Tests help managers in finding the most suitable candidate for the job. A weighted application form should be established and used with a caution. (ii) Educational Information regarding the applicant’s background, grade secured in school and college, and academic qualifications, knowledge gained from professional / technical courses, training acquired in special fields etc. References are generally required to enquire about the conduct of those candidates who have been found suitable in the interviews and tests. Job Analysis The systematic study of job content in order to determine the major duties and responsibilities of the job. On the other hand, selection of the wrong candidate will result in poor job performance and wastage of time and money. They represent specific guidelines to HR managers on various matters concerning employment and state the intent of the organization on different aspects of Human Resource management such as recruitment, promotion, compensation, training, selections etc. They may follow-up the panel discussion with interview for some good candidates. Personnel psychologists on the other hand, are considerably less enthusiastic and optimistic about the value of the interview for selection; the evidence shows consistently that the interview is not a good predictor of job success. Also it safeguards the interest of the hiring company against payment of claims under compensation law. (ii) By using the information mentioned in the application form, the interviewer can guide the applicant into explaining why certain jobs appeal to him. We are committed to our equal opportunity policy at every selection stage. In the selection process, selection tests have an important place. These interviews also help potential candidates confirm whether they have applied for the job that is best suited as per their own expectations. The term “Interview” refers to a conversation with a purpose. Finding the interested candidates who have submitted their profiles for a particular job is the process of recruitment, and choosing the best and most suitable candidates among them is the process of selection. iii. In this preliminary interview, on one hand, the applicants are provided with the essential information regarding the nature of jobs in the organization, and on the other hand, necessary information is elicited from the applicants regarding their education, experience, desired salary, reasons for leaving their current jobs, time required to join the job, job interest, etc. Back to Table of Contents . An application form is required to be filled in where recruitment is made through external sources. Everything you need to learn about the selection process adopted in HRM ! By doing so, the organization can ensure high productivity of the employees. It is an effective practice to send a brief questionnaire involving checking answers instead of requiring a great deal of writing. The organisation may fit a job to the person who is available, as when a girl is appointed as a stenographer, telephone operator, secretary or saleswoman. Human Resource Management, Functions, Selection, Selection Process. Interview serves as a means of checking the information given in the application forms and the tests results. are examined. In creating structured situ­ational interviews, these steps need to be followed: Step 1 – Make thorough job analysis – There should be a thoroughly prepared job description with a list of job duties, required knowledge, skills, abilities and other worker qualifica­tion. These applications facilitate analysis and comparison of the candidates. Selection activities usually follow a standard pattern, beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with the final employment decision. The purpose of employment interview is three-fold- obtaining information, giving information, and motivation. ii. Research also has proved this point time and again. Physical examinations are of the utmost significance in selective or differential placement. iv. Especially for top level appointments, the medical examination is very comprehensive and thorough, and determines whether or not the candidate should be offered the job. This is an introductory interview, which is quite short and just aims at elimination of the obviously unqualified. The design and details of the application blanks differ widely from one organization to another and even within one organization there may be different forms for different levels in the hierarchy. Under this process, an organization gives the necessary information about the job requirements to the prospective applicants and collects the necessary information from the candidates. Applicants may be called for interview on some specific criteria like desired age group, experience and qualifications. They test an individual’s capacity to learn a par­ticular skill. of potential candidates. The candidates are asked several questions about their experience on another job, their family background, their interests, etc. In many cases the HR department and the identifying department form a joint committee and do the screening. Selection is a long and tedious process. No selection procedure is fool proof and the best way to judge a person is by observing him working on the job. According to this technique, all selection factors are arranged in the decreasing order of importance. are obtained. These tests are useful for selecting apprentices, skilled mechanical employees, technicians, etc. Performance or achievement test – Achievement or performance test is concerned with what a candidate has accomplished or what he/she has already learned. On this basis their level of intelligence is known. At times such a letter may not be specific to the type of job applied for and might even be outdated. Selection Process in HRM – According to the Types of Jobs (Top 8 Steps): ... Police, fire-fighters, etc.) Under this test, a candidate’s knowledge is tested for a particular job. Not only is such discrimination unethical and immoral, but it is also illegal. The disability method stresses upon employee disabilities rather than abilities. The HR department may immediately send appointment letter to the selected person or after some time as the time sche­dule says. (e) Clinical examination of eyes, ears, nose, throat and teeth. A date is mentioned in the Appointment Letter by when one has to report for the duty. Here special attention is paid to see the correctness of the ability and skill as emphasised by the applicant. (ii) Work sample tests – In this test the applicant is given a piece of work to perform in a stipulated time. Suggested as knock-out factors in the application forms and the specific jobs to the employees, their background... Choose interviewing screening committee and a list is prepared of the others, can not make their effective.. Candidate being medically fit for the screening committee and do the screening g ) check-up of blood pressure heart. Weighted according to this technique, all selection factors are arranged in decreasing! Usefulness and it should be made to verify whether the candidates are cautiously picked up for the recruitment discussed! 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